Why’d you listen to what I’ve to

Hi! I’m Elisa

I graduated as MSc. Econometrics and started my career working as a consultant developing financial risk models. I worked for banks, pension funds, insurance companies, even on the trading floor, building risk models.

Until, one day, my life changed.

I saw a BBC-documentary called a Farm for the Future, in which the maker shows that our daily sandwich is dripping in oil. .

We are addicted to oil.

We use huge machines for every step in the process (bread, cheese, veggies): plowing, sowing, harvesting, processing, etcetera. But thank the Lord, she finds a solution: Permaculture! 

Permaculture asks the question: how would nature design agriculture?

Permaculture is a design system that creates abundance by working with nature rather than against it. I was hooked. I took a two-year permaculture education next to my job as financial risk modeller and couldn’t stop wondering: how would nature build finance?.
I realised that there is a major gap between our financial system and the real economy.

I quit my job and started to work at Circle Economy and Sustainable Finance Lab by leading pioneering projects bringing together circular business leaders and financiers. That’s over 9 years ago now. In which: 

  • I‘ve written at least 13 papers about circular business models, and financing them, including a scrientific one, setting the scene on this topic from the beginning. I’m a dinosaur. Check the papers out below↓.
  • I experienced what science calls this ‘knowledge saturation’. I now know what the barriers are. And started my own business to work on solutions.
  • I’ve worked with many 20+ Dutch financial institutions and  50+ frontrunning circular businesses.
  • I’ve (recently) made that-which-seemed-impossible-to-finance a no-brainer for financiers. I can’t share the details (yet) as this is confidential. Stay tuned for more details (subscribe to the newsletter↓).
  • I’ve co-developed a risk model for banks that favours circular models over linear ones.
  • I’ve co-founded the CiSe Network, a groundbreaking solution for circular value chains, through multi-stakeholder business models, legal structures enabling chain finance (yes: not the company, but the chain).
  • I’m being asked multiple times a day to speak about this topic, and was featured for example in CIRCL CollegetourThe PaaS TalkshowThe Dutch UniversitySustainable Money looks for Circular Entrepeneur or ‘De Nieuwe Wereld’.
  • I’ve been awarded top 50 women in Sustainable Finance for the last two consecutive years, because I showed ‘visible impact’ in sustainable finance.
  • 👩‍🌾 Part of my workweek, I spend as a forest gardener. That’s where I recharge and get my passion and inspiration from. “If you become directly dependent on nature, it becomes increasingly difficult to treat our environment the way we do.”

Allright, that’s enough bragging about myself. I guess what I’m trying to say is: I know what I’m speaking about.

My passion is to help entrepreneurs realise their circular and regenerative ideas.

To put my skills to use for people that are realising the sustainable world we so desperately need.

And I aim to change the financial sector while I’m at it.

I believe that businesses don’t need to keep growing to be healthy and profitable, and I work to demonstrate that. I believe everyone with a good and circular business plan can attract capital (if you need it) if you present your value smartly.

I believe that your actions matter.

I believe in you.


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